Where I Am

My dearest, most beloved, child. You have spent a lifetime longing after Me. Yet even with your most diligent efforts I have seemed unattainable. Giving up seemed easy, yet you pressed on. You have always known I was out there, somewhere in the distance, obscured and mocked by life’s trials. As you wondered in vain, “Where, oh where, have I missed you, My Lord?”

I was beside you in the shadows, waiting for you to recognize Me, hidden in all your circumstances, the prize your fingers often touched, and the very path you were walking on. There has not been one moment of each day that I was not with you. Instead of removing the storms, I journeyed with you through them. Instead of stopping the flood, I rode in the boat with you. Instead of preventing the pain, I bore it alongside you. Your body feels frail to you, yet I chose that very body and live in it with you. You and I are inseparable. The very life within you is My gift and My breath is your breath.

Though life seems uncertain, and the path filled with pain, your purpose with Me is secure and your journey will end in sheer delight. Continue with Me, My child, for I will never leave you or forsake you. I AM your Creator, your life, your joy, and your hope. I love you more than I love anything else, and you are forever Mine.


Yield and Flow with Me

“I say to you this day, look not at what you can do, but at what I can do through you. I need you to praise Me and you will see mountains move. Praise is the activation power I require to operate in. It’s not about you, it “never” has been. Let go of yourself and soar with Me. I am all you need. Without Me you can do nothing. With Me you can do all things. Get over yourself and yield to Me. I know what I am doing. I am already doing far more than you think, for if you knew, you would be self conscious. I do not want you to be self-conscious. I need you to intentionally listen, then live and move with Me. What I am about to do in your life and with your life, no one could do without Me. Flow child, flow. Flow like water, nothing hindering you. You are My oil well in the land, and many, I say many, will be swept away by My power and My anointing on you,” saith the Lord, your God!!

In the Garden with Him

My Beloved, You have arrived at the garden of grace, love, and joy. Peace as you have never known rules and reigns here. It’s been an arduous journey, but I want you to stay here, with Me, forever in this place. Few find it. Some will periodically visit, but I request you to stay. I wait for you every day, and My heart is overwhelmed with love for you when I see you coming. Draw from the well within Me, delighting yourself in what I give you. This fulfills Me like nothing else. When you delight yourself in Me, all your imperfections fall away. This intimacy with you was the prize I died for. It is beyond your ability to understand, and eternity is almost not long enough, but the love I have for you is where I need you to abide. Just abide, don’t visit — abide, and I will take care of everything else. Shalom

Prayer: As Your beloved, I thank You. Nothing on earth compares to You. You fill my life with joy and gladness, and You bring life where I had hopeless despair. When I don’t understand, Your peace rises within me as You drive out all fear. You light up my darkness with the fragrance of Your Presence, and You dwell with me as I abide in You. Such grace is not found outside the garden of Your love. Therefore, make me fruitful Lord. Plant me within Your river of life. Let Your blood flow through my veins, and may many receive healing from the fruit of Our union. Amen

The Seed

I planted the Seed in the midst of adversity, and therefore brokenness was all the Seed knew. Then I watered the Seed, and therefore tears surrounded her. So the greatest Seed was planted in darkness, watered in tears, and died without knowledge. Yet even in death, no one helped the Seed, for the life was not outside of her, but it was within her. She looked nothing like she used to, warped actually, as she began to sprout. Her old identity was totally gone as she reached deep into the soil drawing nutrients from the ashes of her past. The Son arose and her face joyfully turned towards Him because she recognized Him by the warmth He created in her heart. Petals of delight waved joyfully to Him. The Seed began to bloom, and the fragrance of His glory filled the atmosphere around her. Lives began to change as the fruit of the Spirit dropped from her branches and surrounded the ground beneath her. The plant rejoiced, for His blood ran deep within her. She turned her face upwards to His loving gaze and embraced the One who was her everything, and she thanked him, and loved Him with sweetness of her lips. Shalom

The Vision

I was distraught, nothing went the way I thought it would. I had received many directions and promises from the Lord, then carefully listened, and followed His instructions to the best of my ability. Yet, nothing ever seemed to pan out the way I believed and trusted it would. It grieved me deeply. I fell to my knees, it had to be me because His ways are perfect. I cried out, “Oh God, I know I’ve failed you in so many ways, but what grieves me most, is the many ways I have failed you that I don’t know about. Help me Lord. Please help me.” I was beside the bed, crying out for help. This is where I found myself over and over. For years He met me there. He always gave me direction for the day, and I fulfilled it to the best of my ability; only to watch it go to nothing repeatedly as time slipped away.

Suddenly a vision opened before me. A 6-year-old girl sat on the beach fully intent on the task before her. I knew the little girl was me and the vision represented my life. I watched as she was building a house in the sand, listening intently to instructions from heaven and replicating them to the best of her abilities. I was horrified, for she was oblivious to the fact that she was building on sand, the very thing the Bible warns us about. I was also horrified, because the little house was made from bent and broken sticks she had found in her surroundings. It couldn’t be called a shelter of any type, for the sun was beating down, and the wind and sand were blowing through it as though it did not exist. I wondered why no one had at least given the little girl some straight Lincoln Logs for her tiny structure. But the little girl was totally oblivious, only listening to the instructions and playing it out like a child would.

Suddenly a huge wave came and washed the little crooked, bent house structure away. Moments later, the sun was shining again, the sea was calm, and skies were blue. There was no sign of the little girl’s life or structure left. Peace reigned on the shoreline.

Then another horror filled my entire gaze. The sandy beach was flawless, there were no footprints in the sand. My life with Jesus had left no footprints on earth. There were no “one set of footprints” where He had carried me, there were no “two sets of footprints” where He had walked with me, there were no “lots of crazy footsteps” where we had danced together. Even though I knew all that had happened, there was only empty nothingness, where it appeared as though no human had ever stepped foot.

Reality sank deep within my soul. There would be nothing left on earth to show I had been here. When I arrived at heaven’s shore, there would be no gifts I could bring Him. I would never hear the words, “Well done, My good and faithful servant.” I would only hear the words, “Enter thou into the joy of the Lord.” For He had bought me, and He cannot deny Himself, therefore He would have to take me. He had helped me through this life and that was enough, for in my ignorance I had been a sand builder. I had given Him everything I had and there was nothing left to offer. A strange peace flooded my being, my life was over. I rose from my knees in total acceptance, feeling completely empty, yet calm.

Then out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse from heaven’s viewpoint. There, rising above the rocky shoreline, stood a massive, charcoal gray structure made not by human hands, like a mighty fortress and enormous lighthouse combined. It was formidable to behold, especially to evil, as it loomed high over the stormy sea, a magnificent beacon promising hope and safety, faithfully warning of danger, providing shelter from the storms of life. As the sea raged against it, the crashing waves were powerless to leave even the slightest evidence of their assault. It was not of this world, but created for this world to help guide weary sailors home.

I gazed in awe of what He had done with the sticks and sand I had given Him, like that little boy with his 5 loaves and two fish from which, when given to Jesus, “He” fed the multitudes. I began to understand it’s not about what we leave behind. It’s not about us at all. All He asks is our obedience. There is nothing too small or insignificant from our surroundings that He cannot use. For, what He accomplishes with our obedience and gifts is where the great miracle resides.

Walk in Absolute Truth

My dearest most beloved child, do not look at yourself or your own abilities, but rather praise Me for who I AM in you. See yourself as One with Me, then walk in that image. I care not that you are human, for I AM within you, as not. As One with you, I give you an edge the world has no part or recognition of. With Me inside of you there are no problems, only answers. I have already overcome every obstacle you have or ever will face. I AM coming soon to take My Bride, for where I AM there she will be also. But until then, where you are, there I AM also; for as My Word says, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” Therefore, rise up and take your rightful position by My side. Then turn and face your world with the power that lies within you; for you, and you alone, are My vessel, says the Lord your God. Shalom

A Little Encouragement

(Deuteronomy 15:10) “Give generously to the poor, not grudgingly, for the LORD your God will bless you in everything you do.

I told the Lord, “All that I have is Yours.”

And He said, “There’s something I need you to give Me. It’s your self condemnation, and in exchange I will give you My joy.”

“You have no idea how much I love you. For if you truly knew, you would never fear again, and if you truly knew how much I loved you, you would never doubt again.”

The Perfect Fit

What if your perfection means absolutely nothing to Me? What if I AM the only leg you stand on? What if you do Everything wrong? What if you have nothing but a lifetime of loss to bring Me?

I AM your perfection. I AM your Savior. I AM your Redeemer. What if I AM ALL you need? Walk with Me, for I have made you whole. Shalom

The Groom Speaking Tenderly to His Bride

What if you don’t know what I am doing, but you let Me do it? What if your greatest pain becomes your greatest victory? What if the cross I had you bear becomes the trail of tears through which others find Me? And what if your greatest loss becomes your greatest gain?

What if, child? What if? Would you praise Me then?

What I am doing in your life, you have no power to comprehend. What I am doing through your pain, what I am doing with your tears, and what I am doing with your loss, will shake satan’s kingdom to the core. You don’t understand it now, for you didn’t know or understand that the cross you would die on would become the highway upon which multitudes would find Me. Shalom

The Best Conversation I EVER Overheard!

During a two-week long family vacation, I spent a day at an East Coast mountain resort. Just as I was arriving, big buses were also pulling up, and many Jewish families were disembarking. It appeared that they were attending some kind of big event.

With their arrival, the lines to the rides lengthened considerably, which allowed me even more time to enjoy being in the middle of Hebrews who were speaking half English and half Hebrew. It was so interesting to me to observe them interact with each other, and I was so thankful God had arranged for us to be there at the same time.

I had my back turned to one Hebrew father and his three year old son just as one of the rides came to a screeching halt. Yet, despite the loud screeching sound, my ears clearly heard the three year old cry out with joy, “Oh ABBA ABBA!! That was soooo much fun!!!”

I stopped in my tracks, and my heart went into my throat!!

* My perception of ABBA changed instantly!
* My perception of “I am a child of God” changed instantly!
* My perception of “I am in the family of God” changed instantly!!

This three year old, squealing in delight, has forever changed my perception of Father God and is the best sermon I have ever heard! Only eight words, spoken with such joy!

By the end of that two-week vacation, I was totally exhausted with the frequent use of the Lord’s name in vain and all the discord on TV and in the family. I said, “Oh Lord, I didn’t know the world was this bad! How can you stand it???!!!” As clear as a bell He said…

“Oh, it’s literally nothing. I’ve already paid for all this sin 2000 years ago. It’s nothing. I paid for it ‘before’ they sinned, because I knew the world would be like it is today, and oh, how I love them all!! I’ve paid it, so it’s okay for you to just walk around with joy like I do and love them like I do. There’s no shortage of my blood, I didn’t spare any of it! I gave it all!! So, just laugh and have fun. There’s no shortage in my kingdom!! Let me love them through you. No judgment. 🙂 I paid it ‘before’ any of the sin you see ever happened! It’s covered, so just laugh and love!! Love covers all!!”

Oh wow, it does me so much good to share this with you all. I’m tired, but I’m smiling. ABBA has got our lives covered and His plans for us are good. I’m so very, very thankful, and my heart is so full!